Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Triplets have Arrived...

Well after much waiting and watching here on the farm, this:

Has become this:

They are just so ugly they're cute! LOL! The kids are thrilled! So far they are making no noise, but I am sure that will end soon...kind of like bringing home a newborn who never made a peep in the hospital, then screamed for 3 days straight! LOL!

I am very glad they survived! We have all been anxious for their arrival, checking the nest twice a day. They arrived on Tuesday, I knew they were probably hatching because when I checked the nest that morning the mama bird didn't budge! Usually she flies away but this time she just gave me this look like "Give me a break lady, can't you see I'm havin' a kid here!?" When we checked later that evening, sure enough, this is what we found!!


Mum-me said...

What a special event. Thanks for sharing the photos. They remind me a bit of the baby budgieswe used to raise when I was a teenager, except they are completely bald when they hatch! I hope the mama bird looks after them well.

Shannon said...

Ahhhh... so cute! I cannot believe that mama lets you get that close to her nest. She must trust you!

Liz said...

I LOVE those pictures!

Georgia said...

J-Check this out--My mom had robins on the bathroom window will and got some awesome photos on Multiply and flickr.