I have had the opportunity to sit here and get to 'know' some new blogs this afternoon, and it has occurred to me that there is this sweeping surge of SAHM blogs! Could it be that I am not the only isolated woman on the planet?? I am not the only one happily trudging through life with a toddler securely wrapped around each leg begging for something or crying for attention? I am not the only one who made the choice to willingly put myself in this happy little prison for the next five years or so for the benefit of my children?
Well Praise the Lord and Pass the Peanut Butter!!
Granted I find myself envious of some of these women who live in areas that are far more interesting and exciting than mine, and whose visit to the park doesn't require a 30 mile drive, but we all seem to have that one common characteristic. We are crazy about our kids! And our kids have made us a little on the crazy side! LOL!
Never in my life did I dream there would be a time when I would literally snap 300 photos in one day of two little boys, doing not much of anything, but looking absolutely adorable doing it. I never really imagined that at the age of 30 my life would literally revolve around trying to find a way to poop in private. Nor did I expect snotty noses, dirty diapers, potty training, ABC's and 123's to be my career of choice. But here I am, busting up a squabble as I write this, trying to figure out the best way to keep them entertained while I tidy up the house so we can spend the rest of the day outside. Life is sweet. And apparently I am not the only one who thinks so.
6 days ago
"I never really imagined that at the age of 30 my life would literally revolve around trying to find a way to poop in private."
LOL! classic!!
There should be statue somwhere for all the SAHMs don't you think? Its good you're keeping a blog, you can make ur kids read this later on and add it to the regular "you know how many hours I spent in labour trying to get you into this world?" ...
Oh how I long to poop in private...
Somehow you found my blog and now I've had the pleasure of finding yours. I got a few laughs out of this particular post. Hope to read more.
How true how true! It's so nice to know we're not alone in this endeavor isn't it?
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