Well at least it's Friday and that's all I have to say about that. My daycare kids have been here for almost 3 hours and I am already feeling the anxiety creeping up. We are escaping to the city pool....in reality I don't know what's crazier watching 6 children in my home (1 is out today) or taking 6 children to a crowded noisy pool, at my own expense, with gas at $4.10 a gallon, and $2 a head to get into the pool...but I 'll take my chances! LOL! I need an escape, and even if it's only to feel hot sun on my face and cool water on my toes, I'll take it! Plus it's good bribery material for the morning....misbehave = NO POOL....it's not working real well so far! I think they know Miss Jada has lost her marbles and we will be going to the pool regardless....I think I lost this war a long time ago!
So speaking of escapes....yesterday on my way to our play date I cranked up the radio to drown out my screaming toddlers (yes, I do that) and the Rolling Stones were quickly filling up the empty spaces in the car. It was heavenly! I mean lets be honest, does anything lift you out of a fog better than a hot rockin' song?! I have a huge affection for the Stones, they were one of the best acts I have ever seen live. No shit! Watching a quintet of geriatric rockers never miss a lick to the sexiest music on the planet was by far one of the highlights of my life. The night started with Keith Richards, in all his pickled, wrinkled glory standing in a leopard skin coat, cigarette hanging from his lips, ripping up the opening cords to "Satisfaction". We went wild! Even from our nose bleed seats we were screaming like teenage girls....oh wait, I was a teenage girl, 19 in fact...or was I 20?...sorry ADD....and singing at top of our lungs.
Now it seems Ronnie Wood is once again in rehab. I see on TMZ this morning that Steven Adler, former drummer for one of the greatest rock bands that couldn't go the distance - Guns N' Roses - was arrested last night for drugs, one of my all time favorite singers, Scott Weiland is struggling desperately again....the list goes on and on. I think I may have blogged about this before, but it just goes to show that the price of art, creativity, and fame is sometimes not worth the toll it takes on the artist. Famous poets also seem to leave a trail of tears behind them. So many of the greats having given themselves their own dramatic and tragic exit from life. Maybe not being a famous poet isn't a bad thing.
Hubby and I are going to see Motley Crue Sunday night in St. Louis, Cruefest actually, an Ozzfest like event with several bands starting late afternoon, and I am always amazed, every time we see the Crue (yes we are groupies) that those men are still alive, standing before us, full of life and talent and bravado.....they could all so easily be dead. They have all paid a heavy price for their fame in the form of addictions...short of Mick Marrs, who bless his aging heart has suffered tremendous physical illness instead. Yet they soldier on, rockin' their hearts out for us and putting on a fantastic show every single time we see them.
Hopefully we don't come back from this concert with a bun in the oven...LOL....we did last time! Thank God for vasectomies....oh, sorry that was uncalled for. There's just something about sex drugs and rock and roll that just makes ya want to...well you know! LMAO!
I have to confess, Hubby is looking forward to this trip so much, and part of me is dreading it. He can't wait to have some time alone for us to just be "US"...I fear we aren't "US" anymore...we shall see. What if we have nothing to say to each other once we actually have time to say something. I guess that's why God invented beer...which we will be drinking by the gallon at the concert...ok, that's not funny either is it? But true. :0)~ We booked a hotel within walking distance...no DD here, we are gonna party baby! I am definitely ready for THAT!
6 days ago
I just want to tell you I love your blog! We have many simularities in our lives...and I can totally understand many of the things you are dealing with...so thankyou for sharing!
Have so much fun! And ya, you know despite my shortcomings as a hip hop/dance fan, I do LOVE the Stones - my dad did teach me something in life !
btw... where have ya been? Haven't seen you around my part of the woods in a while! Lots of stuff happening. Was even in a writing mood the other day and tried to write some poems. Something I haven't done for YEARS! Comes with high emotions, I guess!
Yes, poetry for me always flows during emotional times. I read yours, great work!!! I have been so busy this past week, and truthfully, wallowing in my own woes that I haven't caught up with my favorite bloggers. I am doing that tonight!
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