Yup....I think I have found the problem to all my problems...for this week anyway! I have noticed the older I get, the worse my PMS symptoms get. Gone are the cramps and bloating of my youth...ok I'm lying they are still there...they are just over shadowed by my psycho acid tripping freaked out mental status!! In the past few days I have hurt someone I care deeply about by blowing them off....found my self screaming back at my children as they are screaming at me (ok, maybe that's not as rare of an occurrence as I'd like to think it is)...I've been hypersensitive, annoyingly analytical, irritable and just down right shitty! Even despite a kick ass rock show....
Guess who showed up today...of course while I am in a movie theatre with six children seeing a free matinee of the worst kids movie ever made...you, you guessed it, mother nature! (Sorry boys...I know this blog really isn't your cup of tea, but next time your wife is acting psycho...go away, she's getting ready to start...and if you bring it up to her, try to be sensitive about it or try to comfort her, she is just going to whack you over the head with a skillet....mark my words just go away....golf sounds good right?) Once again I was unprepared for this little surprise. I have got to start keeping track of my cycle. Since I am done having children and don't take the pill anymore I am always forgetting to pay attention to when it might be showing up. Part of me thinks it would be worth it to be back on the pill just to maybe curb some of these symptoms. Maybe that's the cause. Before kids I was on the pill for probably 10 years, I never had PMS trouble much. Now I seem to turn into Aileen Wuornos or something...ugggh
A friend of mine mentioned PMDD the other day...she thinks she might suffer from it...I wasn't really even sure what all the symptoms were...and I don't know that it's what my problem is...but I think Psycho Mommy Dysphoric Disorder sounds about right! LMAO But you know that's gonna be my excuse for everything now...
6 days ago
This post cracks me up! I'm not laughing at you, but with you! I totally go PSYCHOTIC around that time. The funny thing is that my darling hubby knows me so well, he will sometimes point out that I'm going crazy, and that I'm going to be starting my period soon. He's not mean about it - just very open and honest - that monster I talked about a bit ago! Anyway, I feel your pain! I was this last time wishing that we still practiced the "red tent" rituals of Jesus' days! LOL! Have you read that book, btw... What, though, is the solution, that's my question!
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